University of North Carolina-Wilmington-BS-Public Health
University of North Carolina-Wilmington
Degree/Major: BS - Public Health
Concentration(s): Community Health Education
The program is designed to prepare Public Health students to work with communities and individuals to protect, maintain, and enhance their health and quality of life. All students complete the public health core courses which provide a strong foundation in the Public Health Domains, the US Public Health System, global health issues, factors impacting human health and disease, health care systems, epidemiology, population based and individual approaches to health enhancement, public health data sources, health policy, health law, health communication and much more.
Type of program: On-campus/classroom program
Number of students enrolled in the most recent fall semester: 300 students
Number of graduates for the most recent academic year: 75 graduates
Program accreditation: ceph
Contact Information
College of College of Health and Human Services601 S. College Rd
153 Trask
Wilmington, NC 28403
United States
Program website: